Reach vs. Engagement

Providing memorable experiences to fans and customers makes your brand genuine to engage with. Those experiences don't have to be all in person, but they don't have to be all virtual either. The successful marketing focus in the long run will be built sustainably and thoughtfully.

Consider the $7 million brands spend for 30 seconds of airtime at the Super Bowl. That is in addition to the production costs of the ad, fees, etc. While the reach is massive, how meaningful and engaging is that reach?

With that same $7 million marketing budget, what can your brand build that is multi-faceted and will last for the entire year? This concept is magnified when the majority of your budget is spent on one ad. If you spend that level of money on just one ad, and then one month later, a major shift in consumer habits happens that is independent of your product or service, how will you adapt?

If you approach other creative avenues to bring your brand to life, the same $7 million budget can be packed full of value and extended into a sustainable, business-driving activation program over many years.

Start small and test and learn by growing where you are seeing success.


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